Carbon dioxide (CO2) is colourless, odourless and tasteless gas widely spread in the nature.
Carbon dioxide occurs in three aggregate states – gas, liquid and solid. At low temperature (-78.5 oC), carbon dioxide changes from solid state to gas or from gas to solid state (also called dry ice) by missing the medium liquid state. Carbon dioxide obtains a liquid state only under higher than 6 atmospheric pressure (in cylinders, carbon dioxide is pressed with 65-70 atmospheric pressure).
Carbon dioxide is used as protective gas in welding metals. It is suitable for processing untreated and low-treated steel. It is also widely used in food industry. Carbon dioxide produced for welding meets requirements of LST EN ISO 14175 standard (attributed to C1 group).
Carbon dioxide is filled ingrey coloured cylinders.
We offer to purchase carbon dioxide in:
We can fill the cylinders of other volumes as well. The clients buying a considerable amount of carbon dioxide are supplied with special storage tanks for the product and carbon dioxide is delivered with semitrailers.

- 13,4 l cylinders (10 kg);
- 50 l cylinders (37 kg);
- Cylinder bundles 12 x 50 l (444 kg);
- Euro-cylinders from 230 till 1000 l;
- Liquid carbon dioxide (tons).
Fields of industry:
Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) is used in smelting metals and their alloys, aluminium, aluminium and magnesium alloys, stainless heat-resistant chromium and nickel alloys and treated steel of various types. This type of gas stabilizes the arc and ensures excellent welding of metals.
Carbon dioxide can be used as natural cooling agent in cooling systems.
Carbon dioxide is filled to fire-extinguishers – it is an effective mean for fighting fires, because carbon dioxide does not pollute the environment and cools down hot materials.
Neutralization of alkaline wastewater.
Pursuant to the EU directives, alkaline wastewater generated in various fields of industrial production should be neutralized. Carbon dioxide is a more economic and ecologic alternative than ordinary mineral acids.

Unprotected skin contact with carbon dioxide can cause cryogenic frostbites. The places of production should be ventilated. More information on safe handling of carbon dioxide is provided in the material safety data sheet